Abraham I Pressman

Abraham I PressmanAbraham Pressman was a nationally known power supply consultantwhose background ranged from army radar officer to four decades asan analog-digital design engineer.

Keith Billings is a practicing engineer with morethan 40 years' experence in the design of switching power equipment.Taylor MoreyTaylor Morey, currently a professor of Electronics at Conestoga College in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, is co-author of an electronics devices textbook, and has taught courses at Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo. He collaborates with Keith Billings as an independent power supply engineer and consultant, and previously worked in switchmode power supply development at Varian Canada in Georgetown, and Hammond Manufacturing and GFC Power in Guelph, where he first met Keith in 1988. During a 5-year sojourn to Mexico, he became fluent in Spanish and taught electronics engineering courses at the Universidad Católica de La Paz, and English as a second language at CIBNOR biological research institution of La Paz, where he also worked as an editor of graduate biology students' articles for publication in refereed scientific journals. Earlier in his career he worked for IBM Canada on mainframe computers, and at Global TV's studios in Toronto. Read More Read Less

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Switching Power Supply Design, 3rd Ed.NR
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Design of Transistorized Circuits for Digital ComputersNR
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09 Sep 2021
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Design of Transistorized Circuits for Digital ComputersNR
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09 Sep 2021
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