Abiy Ahmed

Abiy AhmedPrime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) was born in 1974 in Jimma Zone of Oromia region. He started his political career at the age of 15 by joining the then Oromo People Democratic Organization (OPDO) now Oromo Democratic Party (ODP), a militant group, as aradio operator. His military career included his participation as a member of the UN peacekeeping mission in Rwanda and participation in the Ethio-Eritrean border war. In 2008, he helped found the Information Network Security Agency (INSA), the intelligence agency of Ethiopia, and served as one of its first directors. In 2014 he was elected as a member of the Ethiopian parliament, representing Agaro electoral district in Oromia Regional State. Later he also served as head of the Oromia House and Urban Development Office and later as deputy president of the Oromia Regional state. On Monday April 02, 2018, Dr. Abiy was sworn in as the Prime Minister of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The Prime Minister was lauded for launching swift changes in the political space by implementing transformational moves that saw the end of twenty years of stalemate between Ethiopia and Eritrea, the release of thousands of political prisoners, the lifting of a ban on political parties and persons who were barred from entering the country and the opening up of political space in the country. On October 11, 2019 Prime Minister Abiy became the first Ethiopian leader to win the Nobel Prize for Peace for his bold decisions to end the decade old no-war, no-peace situation between Ethiopia and Eritrea, for his constructive roles in brokering peace among East African countries, and for championing democracy locally. Read More Read Less

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