Abel Eulalio Guerra

Abel Eulalio GuerraAbel Guerra was born a U.S. citizen and grew up on Rancho El Colorado in what is now Guerra, Texas. Abel probably would have remained in the Lower Rio Grande River Valley with its large Hispanic population if it had not been for world events. The firt was the beginning of the Mexican Revolution in the fall of 1910 followed by the outbreak of World War I in 1914. Abel decided that rather than being forced into conscription, he would go to Mexico, and ended up fighting in the Mexican Revolution instead. When Abel's boss, Adolfo De la Huerta, launched the De la Huerta rebellion in 1923, Abel joined him and paid the consequences. President Obregón soon crushed the rebellion and ordered that all rebel officers captured above the rank of Major be executed. So by 1924 Colonel Abel Guerra, forced to flee Mexico, became an exile in Belize, then Honduras, and finally Cuba. When Abel returned to Mexico in the 1930s he established a successful pharmaceutical business. After he retired, Abel lived between Mexico City and Texas where his sons live today. Many of Abel's descendants still live in Mexico. Read More Read Less

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