Abdul Karim Hasan

Abdul Karim HasanAbdul Karim Hasan was born in 1931 in Camden, New Jersey. His mother and father, who had become acquainted with the nationalistic message of the Marcus Garvey in 1928, moved to Hartford, Connecticut where his mother joined the Honorable Noble Drew Al's Moorish American Movement and enrolled him in their weekend school at the age of eleven. He grew up in a household environment that preached the historically free and independent life of Africans before slavery, and gravitated towards social movements. In 1956, he was accepted as a Nation of Islam member following the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.Rising through the Muhammad Temple of Islam's ranks as Squad Leader, Lieutenant and Acting Captain, Elijah Muhammad sent him to Los Angeles in 1971, where he led the successful growth in membership and community relations and two years later, purchased a city block at 4016 South Central Avenue, which became Temple #27, the Nation of Islam's West Coast Regional Headquarters.In 1977, the Honorable Yvonne Brathwaite-Burke of California read a tribute to his accomplishments into the United States of America Proceedings & Debates of the 95th Congress.He would make his first Hajj that same year, while traveling with Imam W. Deen Mohammed, who led a delegation of 300 Americans on Hajj.He also accompanied Imam W. Deen Mohammed to Rabat, Morocco at the invitation of His Majesty King Hassan II to the Palace to attend the Hassanie Lectures on Hadith during the 1988 Fast and Celebration of the Month of Ramadan.As an Ambassador of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, he was sent to Rome, Italy to represent Imam Mohammed at an International News Conference.At the invitation of the President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, he was invited to Cairo to receive a Da'wah Medal of Excellence as well as a tour of the City of Qiza, the home of the three internationally recognized Pyramids of the world and the Sphinx, which are classified as wonders of the world, in 1993.His many travels have carried him to Trinidad-Tobago; Nigeria, Kenya; Malaysia, Singapore; Arabia; Israel; Rome, Egypt; Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Morocco visiting them many times; making the pilgrimage to Hajj four times and Umra more than a dozen times. He has met and visited with the late King Khalid of Saudia Arabia, the late Palestinian Authority President Yasar Arafat; and the late Pope John Paul II.He has prayed in the most Sacred Masajid in the Muslim World including Masjidul Haram (Mecca), Masjidul Nabi (Madina), Masjid At-Taqua (Quba), Majid Al-QiblaTayn (Madina), Masjid Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem), Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem), Masjid Haram Ibrahim (West Bank Palestine), Al-Azhar University (Cairo), and the oldest Masjid in the Kasbah area of Fez, Morocco.Over the years, he has continued development of the city block at 4016 South Central Avenue with the completion of a 16 Classroom School in 2007; and construction of a new Mosque in 2021, at this site. The city of Los Angeles has named this sectional block on Central Avenue at Martin Luther King Blvd and Malcolm X Way, Imam Abdul Karim Hasan Square. Read More Read Less

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