Aba JosephSplit between the animated Bronx, New York, and rural areas of Antigua during his childhood, Aba emerged resilient from the challenges of the low-income, single-parent household where his mother worked two jobs tirelessly to raise him and his sibling. Uncertain about his future yet driven by an unwavering commitment to success, Aba attended St. John's University on a journey to find his path in life. College became a crucible for growth, presenting hurdles in the form of internships and job searches with no established connections. Despite lacking conventional advantages, Aba's tenacity and hard work prevailed, propelling him beyond expectations. He fueled his success with unparalleled determination and learning from his mistakes. Having conquered personal hardships, he is determined to pay it forward. Aba hopes to inspire all his readers, making them learn something new from his creations. Read More Read Less
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