Aaron Rezny

Aaron ReznyAaron Rezny has spent more than 20 years shooting food and tabletopphotography. Rezny, the son of Polish immigrants, began his photographic career atan early age and eventually established his own studio in 1979. His photography hasbeen featured in mjor marketing campaigns for Nestle, Duncan Hines, Kellogg's, Russell Stover, Nabisco, and Applebee's among other brands. His work has alsoappeared in New York Magazine, Bon Appetit, Food & Wine, and The Wall Street Journal. He can be found online atrezny.com. Jordan Schaps began his photo-directing career at New York magazine in1978. Schaps quickly rose to Photography Director at New York and went on to act asconcept/creative director of features for InStyle, GQ, The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, and other magazines. Schaps also produced advertorials for Lincoln MotorCars, JC Penney, and Knoll International. He contributed to the books XXX: 30 PornStar Portraits (Bulfinch, 2004), and Miami Beach: Blueprint of an Eden(Trans-Atlantic, 2005). He is currently a professor at the School of Visual Arts in New York. Read More Read Less

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