Aaron Bucy

Aaron BucyAaron Bucy has been a Texas peace officer since 2010. When he graduated high school, the first thing he did was get his Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification. Aaron started working for his hometown fire department, and then completed the Fre Academy. He spent three years as a full time firefighter and EMT. He then took a job as a safety supervisor for a water park in central Texas that is the largest water park in North America. From there Aaron went to Los Angeles and worked as an executive bodyguard at Warner Brothers' Studios. He stayed there for about a year before taking a higher paying job that took him around the country building internet and data infrastructures. In 2002, Aaron started working at an NBC-TV station as a part time camera operator, and eventually worked his way to being the Chief Director of Newscasts. When he decided to go back to school, he went to the Midwest. Aaron worked on an armored car while in school. After getting involved with some of the local state representative elections, he was recruited by a United States Senator to represent him in twenty-four counties during his reelection campaign in 2006. Aaron was very active in politics from 2004-2008. He spent time in the Governor's office and traveled all over the state. During this period of time he was lucky enough to meet President George W. Bush three times, Vice President Cheney, and countless Congressional members and operators. He got to see Air Force One up close on two occasions, work with the White House staff, Secret Service, as well as travel in Presidential motorcades. Aaron went to the Police Academy in 2010 and graduated at the top of his class. That's when this series of stories began to come to life. Education: Astro-Biology; Super Earths & Life program, Harvard University Associate of Arts: Liberal Arts Associate of Science: General Studies Associate of Science: Business Administration Certifications: Texas EMT-B Texas Firefighter California Guard Card Missouri Guard Card Texas Peace Officer Licenses: Texas Concealed Handgun License Texas Private Security Bureau, Private Investigator FCC Radio License Affiliations: 3rd Degree Master Mason Make-A-Wish Foundation Texas Military Forces, Texas State Guard (E4) Awards: Director's Award for Excellence (Police Academy Valedictorian) Firefighter Pin 2 Years of Service Pin Police Training Officer Communications Pin Promoted to Sergeant Patrol Rifle Pin Promoted to Sergeant (new agency) Police Commendation Pin Read More Read Less

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