A Y Berthiaume

A Y BerthiaumeA. Y. Berthiaume is a professional writer, native Vermonter, practicing feminist, recovering middle child, wannabe superhero, and a mom who's pretty sure she's winging it. She holds an M.F.A. in creative writing and is the Lady Boss Owner of The Writ Place, Right Time, her virtual boutique of copywriting and ghostwriting services. Whether she's writing for herself or her clients, Berthiaume believes in emotionally compelling, honest, and powerful stories that are told in an authentic voice, come straight from the heart, and celebrate bravery, grit, and hope. If you can catch her not doing all the things, she's probably drinking Maple Lattes in a coffee shop, getting lost in a bookstore, or binge-watching something on Netflix in her sweatpants while she eats ridiculous amounts of movie-theater-style popcorn. Read More Read Less

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Do Not Write a Book...Until You Read This One25 % NR
Publisher: Press 49
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05 Mar 2024
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