A R Pashayan

A R PashayanDr. Pashayan is a full-time professor at American University in Washington, DC, in the School of International Service. A Ph.D. graduate from Howard University, Dr. Pashayan was in the top 5% of her class and earned the distinguished status of Pi Siga Alpha National Honor Society in Political Science. Her expertise in extreme poverty reduction leads the way in the field of International Development for Informal Settlements (slums). Pashayan's multidisciplinary approach to poverty reduction intersects health, human rights, climate impacts, and international relations. Her academic knowledge, backed by 10+ years of field experience, includes poverty reduction work in Peru, India, Nepal, Indonesia, Tanzania, and Kenya. As an Africanist, Realist, and Humanist, Pashayan's research on slum communities embraces ethnography, qualitative, and quantitative research methodology. Her dedication to conducting primary research demonstrates the social capital she has gained working in slums. Pashayan's current research, "Settling the Informal Settlements," is a collaborative effort with a Kenyan team to produce a blueprint for African leaders to reclaim their most significant asset - human capital in urban informal settlements. Having consultative status at the United Nations as a member of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Pashayan spoke on the UN floor in February 2022 during the 60th Commission for Social Development. Dr. Pashayan continues to support and coordinate innovation toward sustainable development for informal settlements on the African continent. Read More Read Less

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Development in Africa's Informal Settlements3 % NR
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Development in Africa's Informal Settlements4 % NR
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