A J JamesA J James holds a PhD in Economics (University College London); has taught at St. Stephen's College and the Delhi School of Economics; and has been a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. He has over 20 years of research and wor experience in a development issues including water and sanitation, water pollution, watershed development, irrigation & drainage, health, education, adaptation to climate change, natural resource management, agriculture, forestry and poverty alleviation. Another area of specialization is monitoring and evaluation, wherein he had helped to develop innovative methodologies for community-level assessment of qualitative information. Besides India, he has worked in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Afghanistan. His clients funding agencies (World Bank, DFID, UNDP, Unicef, FAO and ADB), research & development institutions (ENTRO, Addis Ababa), IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (Netherlands), Overseas Development Institute (London), Institute for Arable Crop Research, UK and Natural Resources Institute, UK) consulting firms in India and abroad, non-governmental organisations and Indian government agencies. He has given several invited talks and seminars, besides editing books, contributing book chapters and publishing articles in international peer-reviewed journals. He is an Honorary Visiting Professor at the Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur, since 2011. Read More Read Less