A H W Ngan

A H W NganProfessor Ngan obtained his PhD on electron microscopy of intermetallics in 1992 at the Universityof Birmingham, under the supervision of Professor Ray Smallman and Professor Ian Jones. He thencarried out postdoctoral research at Oxford University onmaterials simulations under the supervisionof Professor David Pettifor. In 1993, he returned to the University of Hong Kong as a Lecturer inMaterials Science and Solid Mechanics, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. In 2003, he became Senior Lecturer and in 2006 Professor. His research interests include dislocation theory, electron microscopy of materials and, more recently, nanomechanics. He has published over 120refereed papers, mostly in international journals. He received a number of awards, including theWilliamson Prize (for being the top Engineering student in his undergraduate studies at the Universityof Hong Kong), Thomas Turner Research Prize (for the quality of his PhD thesis at the University ofBirmingham), Outstanding Young Researcher Award at the University of Hong Kong, and in 2007was awarded the Rosenhain Medal of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. He also heldvisiting professorship appointments at Nanjing University and the Central Iron and Steel ResearchInstitute in Beijing, and in 2003, he was also awarded the Universitas 21 Fellowship to visit theUniversity of Auckland. He is active in conference organization and journal editorial work. Read More Read Less

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