A C BabbittA.C. Babbitt is a Christian author, blogger, proofreader and mentor to other aspiring authors. Besides releasing her debut book, The Miscarriage Project, 2019, and her new children's book series, Princess with a Purpose, 2021, also runs her own Chrisian lifestyle blog, entitled The Haven. She regularly writes about the Bible, her faith, and living BOLD (Beautiful-Overcomer-Loved- Designed). She has been featured on CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network, Nov. 2020). She attended Moody Bible Institute, studying Children's Ministry, and graduated with a B.S. in Biblical Studies, with high honors. She is currently working on several new books. These include two children's books, My Brother in Heaven and the second book in the Princess with a Purpose Series. Babbitt is finishing her first YA novel titled, The Haven Diaries Series #1: Dating, Purity and the Unknown. She has served in youth ministry with her husband for over 12 years. They've been married for nine years and have six children. She enjoys living in the Midwest, USA. Babbitt loves to write, sing, play various instruments, be active outdoors, express creativity and spend time with family. More specifically, she loves the color blue, romantic comedies, eating ethnic foods and scrapbooking. Most importantly, Babbitt believes when you understand and apply God's Word to your life, you and your family can thrive! Read More Read Less