A Band of Women

A Band of WomenA Band of Women is helping women bring community back to their communities. ABOW provides virtual and direct support for women. It is a place for women to connect and socialize both online and offline. A Band of Women is a private social community fo women. We provide a safe place for women to ask for and find the support they need, to promote their business and talents in our ABOW Yellow Pages, to flex their voices through blogs and forum discussions and meet new, like-minded women through our specialized groups and events. Since our launch, we've been featured in Marin Magazine, SFGate.com, the Chicago Tribune and the San Jose Mercury News (you can see our ABOW media appearances here). We have a bestselling anthology of art and essays by ABOW members- Nothing But The Truth So Help Me God: 51 Women Reveal the Power of Positive Female Connection. Women need a tribe. We all know this intuitively and now research backs it up. For example, one Harvard Medical School study found that not having strong social ties is as unhealthy for women as smoking or being obese. Another study showed that women with breast cancer, those without social support were 4 times as likely to die from the disease. Women are programmed to 'tend and befriend' as both a response to stress and a stress reliever. Our need to connect with one another is in our DNA. Our social networking, member pages, blog and forum discussions are for members only. This provides privacy within our community, creating the ideal place for honest discussions and supportive networking and mentoring. If you are here for your promotional needs and the opportunity to reach thousands of supportive women, we cater to those needs as well. Whether you want to promote your business, service, event, book, blog and more, we can help you. We also offer the opportunity to create and advertise a discount of your own choosing without having to give away half your profit! We currently offer three promotional packages, tailor-made for our members' advertising and public relations needs outlined here. As you can see, we have a little something to offer to every woman. If you are interested in joining click here. Read More Read Less

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Nothing But the Truth So Help Me God21 % NR
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19 Oct 2012
International Edition
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Nothing But the Truth So Help Me God18 % NR
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03 May 2014
International Edition
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