To move this mountain, it will take kind hearts who love their city. Please read this book, tell your friends, your co-workers, your boss and anyone who will listen. Help people in need and return your city back to a safe and respectable city once again.
Once you have read this book
outlining this plan to
end homelessness
will never be the same again!
Your life will forever be changed by how you look at troubling situations and how to get to the other side. The side of satisfaction, the side that embraces humanity.
I am counting on you to do the right thing. Read this Book. Join, YES! My Life Matters-The Homeless Cure. Help wherever, whenever and however you can. Share this story with your friends, family and associates so,
Everyone willwin with YES!
Mantra; I take responsibility for my life. No matter how we arrived here, we are all going forward together. We are here to grow as people, family, and neighbors where all our lives matter.
The Mission: YES! My Life Matters will exist to help people who otherwise suffer needlessly on the streets. A safe environment, fostering self-worth, compassion and trust is achievable by providing a hands-on working village built around gardening, agriculture, animals and societies willingness to solve this epidemic with hand up instead of hand-outs.
Vision; My vision is to shift the energy from nonfunctioning individuals and lifestyles into productive thriving families and communities by way of a group called Yes! My Life Matters. To return the lost and forgotten, homeless, addicted and mentally unstable persons to a safe life.
There is a life out there that they have missed, the life they deserve, the life God intended everyone to have.
My Goal
My goal is to do something so big and bold that broken lives will be changed and remain changed for their entire lives.
This plan will be to help people find their quality attributes, expose them, grow with them and find their new path towards self-respect.
YES! My Life Matters offers a new view of possibilities.
A culture using accountability, communication, self-esteem and
acts of kindness.
This book outlines a plan to rehabilitate the homeless and how to tackle the destructive pattern of life on the streets and in shelters. Finally, a real solution to the cause and effects of the homeless problems, addressing human nature at its core.The need for belonging. The need to be present and accountable. The need to experience accomplishments. The need for purpose. Every person has a basic need to fit into a safe environment as well as life sustaining necessities like food and shelter. There is no accomplishment in receiving handout. In fact, quite the opposite, it only lowers self-esteem and ultimately self-respect.
Self-esteem and self-respect are built on pride and feeling worthy. This plan, the YES! My Life Matters covers it all, and in a way that even I, a pessimist on the issue, am now a believer. Depriving humans of meaningful tasks is a slow and steady death to one's quality of life. By building meaningful lives we all share in the victory, while promoting self-sufficiency.
The five-year projection is to relocate over 4000 homeless people from the streets and into a more safe and healthy location. This rehabilitation plan offers nothing for free. It does offer revised education, on-the-job training, hands-on working education programs, apprenticeship programs, and life and personal skills awareness.By building a strong and loved family we can begin to love ourselves, be good neighbors and excel at our jobs. In a way we are returning to the days when life itself was our boot-camp. A sensible, realistic, attianable and worthy plan.