This guide approaches the rich seasons of Advent to Lent playfully, yet with yearning and determination. Words ancient and new, stories for the young and old, engage readers in this annual unfolding of miracles and mystery.
Along this road, often curvy and rocky, we follow the way of the ancient O Antiphons, predecessors to the hymn "O Come, O Come Emmanuel," as well as fifty-five twenty-first century poets, writers, and contributors to the "Godspace" blog from eight countries who offer fresh interpretations of what it means to be waiting for Christ. A JOURNEY TOWARD HOME provides daily reflections from many theological and cultural perspectives, shared family activities, and recipes that will enrich the season for all seekers.
Praise for A Journey Toward Home: Soul Travel From Advent to Lent:
This guide is sustenance for the soul. For those wanting to redeem their experience of Christmas from the soulless rush of commercialism so much a part of our modern-day festivities, A Journey Toward Home is a rich and nourishing resource that will bring the seasons of Advent through Epiphany alive to you again. Simply beautiful.
Michael Frost, Morling College, Sydney and author of Incarnate: The Body of Christ in an Age of Disengagement, The Shaping of Things to Come, Road to Missional, and many other great books!
"A Journey Toward Home" is not a resource book in the usual sense - there are no lists of "10 ways to celebrate Christmas." Its a book of stories from a wide range of people. (An amazing range actually). Each story opens up the content of that day in ways that are heart-warming and heart-wrenching. Its not sentimental. The stories have substance and lead to insights and responses that are unexpected. This is a unique resource for personal, group and congregational reflection during these seasons. I will be drawing from it again and again for many years to come.
Mark Pierson, worship curator and author, The Art of Curating Worship.
This book is an invitation on a pilgrimage- not only through the seasons from Advent to Epiphany, but through the heart of Scripture, Christian tradition and the rich lives of those who contributed to the collection- and like all true pilgrimages, it is the journey itself that will transform you.
Jamie Arpin-Ricci, "The Cost of Community: Jesus, St. Francis & Life in the Kingdom"
Whether you have celebrated Advent for many years or are new to the tradition, this book is a treasured resource. Its pages are filled with insightful writers, poets and artists who will unsettle and reorient you. While leading you down familiar Advent paths, you'll discover new twists and bends. The combination of traditional and innovative perspectives leads you to the threshold of spiritual transformation. Are you ready to take that step toward home?
Joanna Shenk, editor of Widening the Circle: Experiments in Christian Discipleship
Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek; Corean Bakke; Kim Balke; Jodi Baron; Mary Bergida; Sarah Styles Bessey; Jeri Bidinger; Joel Boehner; Dale Caldwell; Joanna Campbell; Kellie Carrara; Kristin Carroccino; Michael Carroccino; Monette Chilson; Stephen Crippen; Ed Cyzewski; Kathy Escobar; Jim Fisher; Andrea Frankenfeld; Meredith Griffin; Ellen Haroutunian; Christopher Heuertz; Esther Hizsa; Coe Hutchison; Heather Jephcott; Rev. Rajkumar Boaz Johnson; Mary Keenan; Travis Mamone; Katie Metzger; Christi Mitchell; Kimberly Miller; Paula Mitchell; Jeremy Myers; Derek Olsen; David Perry; David W. Peters; Karina Saunders; Lora Shinn; Christine Sine; Tom Sine; Jessie Smith; Cindy Spencer; Hailey Spencer; Kate Kennington Steer; Amanda (Greers) Stevens; Becca Stevens; Dave Timmer; Anne Townsend; Margaret Magi Trotman; Maryada Vallet; Greg Valerio; Tara Van de Wiele; Andy Wade; Erin Jean Warde; Steve Wickham; Michael Yankoski
O'Antiphon Artwork: Danielle Poland
About the Author: Kristin Carroccino is a writer and artist currently living in Seattle. She is a contributor to and editor of several books, including this one as well as A Journey Into Wholeness: Soul Travel from Lent to Easter, both publications of Mustard Seed Associates. She and her husband are co-authors of the forthcoming book Boats without Oars: Ancient-Future Evangelism, An American Road Trip, and Collected Stories from the Episcopal Church (Nov. 2014). She experiences the movement of Spirit most often in nature, listening to beautiful music and prayers, and reading complicated poetry and prose on the couch under a blanket with a mug of tea. Christine Sine is the Executive Director of Mustard Seed Associates. She describes herself as a contemplative activist and is passionate about helping people connect their spiritual practices to their everyday life. She conducts workshops and retreats that help participants develop more spiritual rhythms. Christine is also the author of several books, the latest being To Garden with God and Return to Our Senses: Reimagining How We Pray. Christine blogs at http: //