Being Manny (a Pugusaur Adventure III), is much like the first two books in the series, it has a wonderful message.
Fear may appear very real to you, but how you react to fear is also very real.
Manny has the never-ending support of his popular and very athletic big brother. In fact, he wants to be just like him.
There's only one problem... Manny is nothing like his brother.
After being bully on the basketball court Manny is feeling sorry for himself.
Then he's presented with an opportunity to takes a journey into the Pugusaur's world,
with Nelly, Percy and their pet Pugusaur, Pete.
The journey forces Manny to face many challenges, testing him on every level.
His adventure helps him to understand that he and his brother are very different.
Manny excepts that he is exactly who he is meant to be, and Being Manny is not so bad after all.
Enjoy this new Pugusaur adventure then challenge your own fears.
In the process, you may discover that you are exactly who you are meant to be.