Rabon Saip

Rabon SaipIn my youth I would have insisted that I did not ask to be born to a teen-aged mother, without the presence of a father, in poverty and visually impaired, in 1935 Macon, Georgia. But now, I'm not so sure I didn't pre-order this life exactly as it hascome to pass. My learning from adversity has been a blessing, and I don't know how else it could have been achieved.- Rabon Saip
Rabon was brought out of Georgia to Marin County, California, in 1944, and there began a life-long struggle to be seen as normal. He bluffed his way through grammar and high school, but could not engage in college course work due to his eyesight. Nevertheless, determined to succeed at something, he risked driving to support a wide variety of job experiences, ever searching for a way to make a living. In the post war years of his youth, there really was no alternative. Then, years later, while single parenting with his baby son, he tearfully accepted the disability label and the stipend that came with it. He traveled to Mexico, apprenticed to a uniquely talented maestro of building furniture and stringed instruments, and thus began a twenty-five year love affair with woodworking. However, in 1991, Rabon's discovery of computer technology as a window into higher education changed everything. His intellectual awakening was dramatic. Even so, his rapid academic success, BA, MA, and almost PhD in Clinical Psychology was, by this time, secondary to a dawning elder awareness and the poetry of spiritual growth. To be of service to senior citizens as volunteer advocate and educator became a primary goal. He was deeply hopeful that the Longevity Revolution would change the world, but that remains a dream. Rabon collaborated on facilitating health care directives, a year-long workshop entitled Planning for Your Longevity, developed a Driving to Non-Driving program for elders and their families; and, served for ten years (2010-2020) on the Advisory Council at his local Area Agency on Aging. He is currently a Hospice volunteer Grief Counselor.
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